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Dear ____________:
I am writing to you today to ask for support in a new endeavor that will benefit THE NAME OF YOUR CHILD OR PKU PATIENT and many other Iowan families.
As you know, YOUR CHILD'S NAME or PKU PATIENT, was diagnosed with PKU a week after birth. Until now, there has not been any state-wide organization to help families with PKU. We are pleased to announce the formation of
PKU in its "classic" form, is a rare, inherited metabolic disease that results in mental retardation and other neurological problems when treatment is not started within the first few weeks of life. When a very strict diet (including a necessary synthetic formula) is begun early and well-maintained, affected children can expect normal development and a normal life span. Failure of the conversion to take place results in a buildup of phenylalanine. Excess phenylalanine is toxic to the central nervous system and causes the severe problems normally associated with PKU.
The diet for the most severe form of PKU eliminates all of the very high protein foods since all protein contains phenylalanine. Except in rare circumstances, the diet does not allow consumption of meat, fish, poultry, milk, eggs, cheese, ice cream, legumes, nuts, or many products containing regular flour. A synthetic formula is used as a nutritional substitute for the eliminated foods to provide the protein needed for growth. It is now recommended that all PKU patients stay on the diet for life.
The Iowa PKU Foundation was founded on
Therefore, we are asking for your help. Please consider sending a tax deductible donation to the Iowa PKU Foundation. The
Many Thanks for helping to keep our organization strong,
Cut along line and return the bottom portion with your contribution
Enclosed is my contribution in the amount indicated below.*
[ ] $25 [ ] $50 [ ] $75 [ ] ______________Other
(Your Name)
(City) (State) (Zip)
*Thank you for your generosity. All contributions are tax deductible as allowed by law. Please make checks payable to the "Iowa PKU Foundation.”
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We will acknowledge your donation.
*Note: Your employer may match your
gift. Contact the Personnel or Community
Relations Department of your company for